Jul 14, 2015

A-I Review Chant (phonics, 5 years old)

Practice phonics as you sing along with the sound each letter makes. 
Practica "phonics" mientras cantas los sonidos que hace cada letra.

Jul 10, 2015

J-R Review chant (5 years old, phonics)

Practice phonics as you sing along with the sound each letter makes. 
Practica "phonics" mientras cantas los sonidos que hace cada letra.

Jul 2, 2015

My body!

The original children's song "My Body" helps children learn basic body parts and motor skills, set to the tune of the classic "My Bonnie." This song helps teach young children beginning dance as well as rhyming, so be sure to encourage your child to dance, sway, and sing along to this song!
Esta original canción ayuda a las niñas y niños a aprender las partes del cuerpo y las destrezas motoras. Esta canción te ayudará a enseñar a los más pequeños baile y ritmo, así que animadles a bailar, balancearse y cantar esta canción.

Jun 29, 2015


Sing and dance to this groovy tune that shows shapes are everywhere! After watching the video, look around the house and help your child find each shape in everyday objects.
¡Canta y baila esta canción que nos enseña que las formas geométricas están en todas partes! Después de ver el vídeo, buscad por la casa y ayuda a tu hij@ a encontrar figuras en los objetos del día a día.

Jun 23, 2015


It is a very hot day and all the muddy puddles have dried up, so Peppa and George play in the paddling pool.
Mrs Rabbit comes along with ice-cream van, George wants a dinosaur ice cream, but it is so hot that it melts. Mummy pig lets George share daddy pig’s ice cream. It really was a very hot day.
Es un día caluroso y todos los charcos de barro se han secado, así que Peppa y George juegan en la piscina de plástico.
La señora Rabbit se acerca con su camioneta de los helados, George quiere un helado de dinosaurio, pero hace tanto calor que se derrite. Mamá Pig deja a George compartir el helado de papá Pig. Fue un día realmente caluroso.

Jun 21, 2015


Today is the first day of Summer! Listen to this song about the four seasons, have fun!
¡Hoy es el primer día de verano! Escucha esta canción de las cuatro estaciones, ¡diviértete!

Jun 17, 2015


Sing along to this catchy and educational song which teaches children the concept of using primary colors to create secondary colors as well as paying attention to basic colors they see every day. Help your child practice these concepts by having him or her mix colors using crayons, markers, or paint!
Canta esta canción pegadiza y educativa que enseña a los niños cómo usar los colores primarios para crear colores secundaria, además de destacar los colores que ven cada día. ¡Ayuda a tu hij@ a practicar estos conceptos utilizando ceras, rotuladores o pintura!

Jun 15, 2015

Create an ocean (2nd year of Infant Education, 4 years old)

Click on the ocean objects, move them where you want them and click again to create your own animal ocean!
Haz clic en los objetos y animales del océano, muévelos donde quieras y haz clic otra vez para crear ti propio océano. 

Jun 10, 2015

Ocean Animals Flashcards (revision, 4 years old, 2nd year of Infant Education)

Click the arrow to go to the next flashcard, listen, look and read!
Haz clic en la flecha para ver la siguiente tarjeta, escuha, mira la la palabra y el dibujo.

Jun 5, 2015

Feelings and emotions (3 years old, 1st year of Infant Education)

This week we are reviewing what we learnt at the beginning of the school year about feelings and emotions. Click on the image and you will find all the activities related to this  there are in the blog.
Esta semana estamos repasando lo que aprendimos a principio de curso sobre sentimientos y emociones. Haz clic en la imagen y encontrarás todas las actividades relacionadas con esto que hay en el blog.

Jun 4, 2015

Animal Ocean Game (4 years old, 2nd year of Infant Education)

Play a game about animals in the ocean. Click on the animals to hear their names and answer to the questions about them.
Practica con este juego sobre los animales del océano. Haz clic en los animales para oír sus nombres y responde a preguntas sobre ellos. 

Jun 3, 2015

Phonics, blending (5 years old, 3rd year of Infant Education)

Make a word with -ig to match the pictures. Haz una palabra terminada en -ig para unir con el dibujo.

Make a word with -ip to match the pictures. Crea una palabra terminada en -ig para unir con el dibujo.

Read the story "The Big Hit". Lee el cuento: "El gran golpe".

May 24, 2015

Learning to read and write in English (5 years old kids,3rd year of Infant Education)

We love learning to read and write in English! Each kid works at its own rhythm and this no-presure environment allows them to learn and love the process!
Nos encanta aprender a leer y escribir en inglés! Cada niña y cada niño trabaja a su propio ritmo y este ambiente sin presiones les permite aprender y disfrutar con el proceso!

Sea animals (4 years old,2nd year of Infant Education)

This week we chose the sea animals we want to learn in English. We are also learning the fish body parts.
Esta semana escogimos los animales del mar que queremos aprender en inglés. Estamos también aprendiendo las partes del cuerpo de los peces.

May 20, 2015

Sea Animals (4 years old, 2nd year of Infant Education)

We are learning about sea animals. First of all, we will learn about fish body parts.
Estamos aprendiendo los animales del mar. Primero, aprenderemos las partes de los peces.

Let´s Read (5 years old, 3rd year of Infant Education)

Practise the "e" sound reading these words, enjoy!
Practica el sonido "e" leyendo estas palabras, ¡disfruta!

May 13, 2015

The Farm (4, 5 years old; 2nd and 3rd year of Infant Education)

If you click on the picture you´ll find all the information, videos, songs and activities related to the topic of the farm that are in the blog. Enjoy!
Si clicleas en la imagen encontrarás toda la información, videos, canciones y actividades relacionadas con el tema de la granja que hay en el blog. ¡Disfruta!


May 11, 2015

Transports Song (3 years old, 1st year of Infant Education)

How many different forms of transport can you think of? Sing along with Kerina and James in this video, and see if you can keep up with all the actions!!
¿Cuántos medios de transporte conoces? Canta junto a Kerina y James en este vídeo, ¡a ver si eres capaz de realizar todas las acciones!

May 9, 2015

Butterfly Life Cycle (1st and 2nd year of Infant Education)

On Friday, María (from the 1st year of Infant Education) brought to school a box with caterpillars. I decided to take advantage of this and we all learnt a lot about the butterfly life cycle.
El viernes, María (del primer curso de Infantil) trajo al cole una caja con gusanos. Decidí aprovechar la situación y aprendimos un montón sobre el ciclo vital de la mariposa.

May 4, 2015

Let´s be Planes! (3 years old, 1st year of Infant Education)

Review different means of transport with this song, you can dance around pretending to be a plane, a car, a boat or a train.

Apr 27, 2015

On Friday, Adrián´s mum came to the school to tell us the story "Bear Hunt", we loved it! Thank you very much!
El viernes la mamá de Adrián vino al cole a contarnos el cuento " Bear Hunt", ¡nos encantó! ¡Muchisímas gracias!

I want to remind you that you can come to the school to read us a story or do an activity with the kids whenever you want, as soon as you tell me some days before. It´s a great experience to share your knowledge with the kids!
Quiero recordaros que podéis venir al cole a leernos un cuento o a realizar una actividad con las niñas y los niños cuando queráis, siempre y cuando me aviséis unos días antes. Es una experiencia genial compartir vuestros conocimientos con las niñas y los niños.

Apr 24, 2015

Means of Transport (3 years old, 1st year of Infant Education)

Teddy´s Train: Popular Nursery Rhymes in English with good Animation & Music, which are very popular all over the World. Happy Rhymes contains popular traditional nursery rhymes. Before each rhyme there is a story which sets the scene and presents the core language of the rhyme which follows. As a result, children will not only be able to sing traditional nursery rhymes, but also be able to relate to the humorous stories contained within each one.The kids can easily follow the lyrics,the characters & background music of each rhyme.

Explorers! (4 years old, 2nd year of Infant Education)

Today,we learnt about the plants that we can find at school. We made a data grid of nature around us.

Apr 20, 2015

Phonics: blending (5 years old, 3rd year of Infant Education)

Make a word with -en to match the pictures:

Make a word with -et to match the pictures:

Read the story: "Peg the Hen"

Apr 13, 2015

Means of Transport (3 years old, 1st year of Infant Education)

As part of the Project of road safety education, we are going to learn about different means of transport. We are learning about the bus. Listen and sing this song with your kids, they love it!

Phonics: blending (5 years old, 3rd year of Infant Education)

Make a word with -an to match the pictures:

Make a word with -at to match the pictures:

Read the story: "Zac the Rat"

Apr 10, 2015

Learn to grow! (4 years old, 2nd year of Infant Education)

Learn to Grow! The Fun of Gardening For Children

The process of gardening incorporates play and hands-on activity—two things vital to a child’s learning experience. Although gardening might simply be a hobby for adults, it can open up a whole new world for children. From the planning stage until harvest time, gardening provides children with endless opportunities to explore while learning math and science concepts, as well as social science lessons without ever realizing they’re learning.

Means of Transport (!st year of Infant Education, 3 years old)

As part of the Project of road safety education, we are going to learn about different means of transport. First one is the car. Listen to this story: " Rainbow car"


Apr 8, 2015

It's fun to play in the sand!(5 years old, 3rd year of Infant Education)

Today we grabbed all the tools and spent the last school class playing in the sandpit.

Practise the sandpit vocabulary with this Peppa Pig eppisode.