Dec 11, 2013

SANTA´S LITTLE HELPER. STORY (3,4,5 years old)

It´s Christmas Eve and Santa is getting ready to take presents to good boys and girls around the world.

SEASONS (5 years old)

Zach and Reggie love all four seasons. Spring! Summer! Autumn! Winter! A fun, upbeat, and original Pancake Manor song for kids. 

Dec 10, 2013

S-A-N-T-A (5 years old)

Enjoy this BINGO-style tribute to our favorite jolly fellow, Santa Claus!

Dec 4, 2013


Hace unos días grabaron un reportaje en el aula de 6º B. ¿Quieres saber por qué?

Dec 3, 2013

CHRISTMAS (3,4,5,years old)

During this week, we´ve been decorating our classrooms with a big Christmas tree full of Christmas balls, we love it!

Nov 21, 2013

REVISION "N" (phonics, 5 years old)

The N in the Talking Ring Cards series designed to teach students the N sound and letter.

Nov 20, 2013

REVISION "N" (phonics, 5 years old)

Phonic song to the letter "N" which includes a slow speed and the normal speed.

Nov 15, 2013

Nov 14, 2013

HOW DO YOU FEEL? (4 years old)

Listen to this story and learn about different emotions. The ultimate goal is to help young children establish self confidence by being able to express the range of experiences and feelings they encounter every day.


Children's phonics song with a funny animal for each letter.
Alphabet song with most visual and rememberable letters-to-words connection created with clay animation.

Oct 28, 2013

HALLOWEEN! (3, 4 and 5 years old)

Halloween is coming! We´ve learnt this song to celebrate it and we love it!

Oct 25, 2013

Oct 15, 2013

Oct 14, 2013

NUMBERS 1-10 SONG (3 years old)

Get ready to sing along with the loveable Charlie and his number friends. Come on everybody to the Number's Party!

Oct 11, 2013

5 SENSES. HEARING. GAME (4 years old)

With our ears we...HEAR!
Dawa is in his studio. Boowa and Kwala can hear him playing music, but they don't know which instruments. Can you tell them ?

REVISION "A" (phonics, 5 years old)

Practise this new sound by listening and singing this song

Oct 10, 2013

5 SENSES. SIGHT. STORY (4 years old)

With our eyes we...SEE! We know this story by heart, so we can read it to our families.

Open, shut them SONG (3 years old)

This version of "Open Shut Them" is a great kids song for teaching some basic opposites. It's full of easy-to-understand, easy-to-gesture vocabulary.

REVISION "A" (phonics, 5 years old)

Review and practise this new sound, have fun!

Oct 4, 2013

RAINBOW SONG (3 years old)

3 years old kids love this song, we sing it everyday to practise the colours, enjoy!

REVISION "S" (phonics, 5 years old)

Review and practise this new sound, have fun!

NUMBERS 1-20 (4 and 5 years old)

Practise and review the numbers from 1 to 20 with this rap (remember that you can also access to the video by clicking in the label numbers 1-20 )

Oct 3, 2013


Hoy, los familiares y profesoras de l@s alumn@s de cinco años, nos hemos reunido para hablar acerca de los contenidos que trabajaremos a lo largo de este curso. Cómo recordatorio de esta reunión y para aquellos que no hayáis podido asistir, aquí os dejo esta entrada sobre la reunión.
Este año, en el área de inglés, el objetivo principal es la iniciación y el desarrollo precoz de la lecto-escritura en inglés. La metodología para conseguir este objetivo es la llamada synthetic phonics.  Este método pretende ayudar a l@s niño@s a aprender a pronunciar los sonidos de manera adecuada a través de una práctica continuada y sistemática. 
Iremos aprendiendo uno o dos sonidos semanalmente en clase. Desde casa, podéis reforzar estos contenidos viendo los vídeos, cantando las canciones o realizando las actividades que iré subiendo al blog. IMPORTANTE: en este método la organización de los fonemas que vamos aprendiendo es clave. No avancéis por vuestra cuenta con nuevos sonidos, trabajad aquellos que vayamos aprendiendo en clase, a veces, menos es más.
Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración e interés. Podéis comentar las entradas sin necesidad de registraros seleccionando la opción comment as: anonimous, en caso de que tengáis alguna duda o sugerencia. 
Un saludo, María.

Jun 21, 2013

MARBLE MATHS (5 years old)

Marble Math is a fun and educational activity for children learning addition. There are five different levels of addition and a fun bonus activity after each level. Children must score 70% or greater to advance to the next level. Audio helps children understand how to count and play the activity. Have fun with this addition activity!

Jun 19, 2013


Alphabet Match is a fun educational activity where children must match letter sounds to beginning word sounds. For example "A" = "Ant" Children flip cards to make a match between the letters and the words. All letters and words are sounded out for children as they play the game.

Jun 18, 2013

CONNECT THE DOTS (4 years old)

Virtual Connect the Dots! Children practice counting numbers while connecting the dots to reveal a fun picture. Connect the dots by counting 1 to 10.

Jun 17, 2013

ALPHABET BINGO (5 years old)

Alphabet BINGO is a learning activity for children learning the alphabet. To play children must listen for the animated character to say a letter and then click on the corresponding letter in the grid. Children can select from upper-case letters or lower-case letters.

May 23, 2013

"Zac the Rat" (5 years old)

Let´s read! 5 years old kids can read this story, enjoy it!

The farm (3 years old)

Listen and sing "Old MacDonald had a farm" song! Have fun!
(Conecting experiences with the learning allows to make the learning experience more memorable for the learner)

May 15, 2013

May 7, 2013


We´ve just met a new bug: the spider! We´ve also learnt this song. Enjoy!


 Click on the link below and you will find two videos related to farm animals. Enjoy!

Apr 26, 2013


Here´s is a link to a video I´ve already posted on this blog. Meet Tillie´s friends! Enjoy it!

Apr 16, 2013


Zach and Reggie learn their ABC's and sing the Alphabet song. Follow along as they sound out each letter!

Apr 10, 2013

Animal Jungle (3 years old)

Create an animal jungle!Click on the objects, move them where you want them and click again to create your own animal jungle.

Mar 21, 2013

Inside An Easter Egg: A Kids´Easter Story

Listen and enjoy this Easter Story!


Easter Egg Hunt is fun holiday activity for kids of all ages. The object of this Easter activity is to simply find the hidden eggs. Look carefully at the pictures and use the mouse to click on the eggs to collect them. These Easter Eggs are hiding so kids will have to search extra carefully! Good Luck!

Mar 4, 2013